2K-mixing system Volumenmix

2K-mixing system Volumenmix Arhivat

Art. Nr.: 507891
Product ID: Volmix-M1-E2
Informații despre produs "2K-mixing system Volumenmix"

The 2K mixing and dispensing system has been developed to process medium quantities of 2K material. Piston pumps driven by two pneumatic cylinders are used as the delivery principle for the two components. The system is equipped with 2 x 11 litre reservoirs. The reservoirs are airtight and are not pressurized.

The meter-mix system works according to the piston principle. The pistons for resin and hardener are manufactured according to the mixing ratio (MV). Advantage: The operator has no need to adjust the mixing ratio! Of course, the MV can be changed at any time by changing the hardener piston. The two material pistons are connected to each other by a bar. The bar is pneumatically driven by air cylinders. When the bar moves material is sucked into the cylinders. When the bar moves down, the two material pistons dip parallel into the seals and push out the material separately via non-return valves to the outlet valve. The material only comes together at the very end of the outlets and flows through the static mixing tube. Two operating modes can be selected on the controler: "MANUAL" and "VOLUME"

Raport de amestecare: 1:1 bis 5:1
Specificatii tehnice
Funcționare: pneumatisch
Mischungsverhältnis: 1:1 bis 5:1
Gewicht: 40 kg
Versandgewicht: 70 kg

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