Our History

Co říkají naši zákazníci

Spokojenost zákazníka s produkty a dávkovacími technologiemi VIEWEG jsou naší hlavní prioritou. Zelené JET ventily jsou integrovány do mnoha výrobních linek a procesů. Žádný z našich zákazníků si nechce nechat ujít tuto vysoce přesnou a efektivní metodu dávkování. 

Ark Vision Systems GmbH & Co. KG

Ark Vision Systems GmbH & Co. KG

VIEWEG Dosing and Mixing Technology has been an extremely competent and reliable partner for us in all phases of project implementation for many years.

JUMO GmbH & Co. KG

JUMO GmbH & Co. KG

VIEWEG Dispensing Technology has technically implemented our complex requirements flawlessly in a plant prototype. The support before, during, and after the project exceeded usual standards.

GEWISS Deutschland GmbH

GEWISS Deutschland GmbH

VIEWEG GmbH has a professional team with excellent expertise to offer innovative applications. An important partner for achieving technical superiority.

FEP Fahrzeugelektrik Pirna GmbH & Co. KG

FEP Fahrzeugelektrik Pirna GmbH & Co. KG

I am satisfied with VIEWEG. Both the processing of quotes and the related consultation are competent and quick. Deliveries arrived on time, as stated in the order confirmation.

Vitesco Technologies Engineering Romania S.R.L.

Vitesco Technologies Engineering Romania S.R.L.

In a prototyping lab in the automotive sector, we use several dispensing systems offered by VIEWEG, which allow us to meet a variety of internal customer requirements. The flexibility provided by the dispensing systems is crucial for adapting to the different specifications of the prototypes under development.



We have been working with VIEWEG as a supplier and consultant for many years. The collaboration is very good, knowledgeable, and professional. There are always solutions to problems, and on-site support is prompt and expert. We will continue to "stick" with VIEWEG in the future.



First of all, I want to thank you for your help with the dispensing equipment! I was on the edge, but we managed to install the equipment 20 minutes before the meeting with the client, conduct the first tests, and provide some pictures to get the client's acceptance. I was able to install the equipment very easily; all parts and consumables were absolutely available, just as we agreed over the phone.

CollTech Europe GmbH

CollTech Europe GmbH

The company VIEWEG has been a competent partner for us for many years, especially in complex dispensing applications for our high-tech adhesives. In 2024, we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of our partnership.

Historie společnosti

Společnost VIEWEG GmbH založili v roce 1976 Erika a Karl-Ernst Viewegovi. V následujících letech si společnost rychle vybudovala pověst spolehlivého průmyslového distributora. V roce 1989 vstoupila do oblasti dávkovací a míchací techniky. Díky silnému propojení v rámci průmyslu si společnost VIEWEG rychle vybudovala rozsáhlou zákaznickou základnu a získala pozici odborníka v této oblasti. Sortiment výrobků sahá od jednoduchých dávkovacích zařízení pro ruční pracoviště až po komplexní robotické systémy. Pro nanášení a míchání jednosložkových a dvousložkových materiálů poskytuje společnost VIEWEG vhodný spotřební materiál i technologie pro zásobování materiálem a kontrolu kvality dávkovacího procesu. Hlavní síla společnosti spočívá v přesném dávkování malých množství různých dávkovacích materiálů téměř ve všech výrobních procesech. Výrobky, jako je nový tryskový ventil DV-6110, se vyrábějí, vyvíjejí a udržují v závodě společnosti v Kranzbergu u Mnichova. Poradenství a podporu poskytuje řada terénních pracovníků v Německu, Rakousku, České republice, Rumunsku, Francii a v místním kompetenčním centru.

How quickly 25 years pass
In January 2024, Till Vieweg celebrated his 25th anniversary as Managing Director of VIEWEG GmbH.
VIEWEG turns 45
This year we will be 45 years young.
Completion of the extension
In the fall of 2020, we inaugurated our new extension. We also expanded the charging capacity for electric cars to 6 charging points. As we now have plenty of charging points, charging our 3 e-cars in VIEWEG design is no longer a problem.
Groundbreaking ceremony for expansion of the company building
Because we once again need more space for offices, workshop and storage, we have decided to build an extension.
We have 40 employees
The team now consists of 40 permanent employees.
40 years of VIEWEG
We celebrate our 40th anniversary with the families of our employees.
Expansion of the sales territory
We are expanding our sales territory with the launch of sales and service in the Czech Republic and Romania
Increase in office space
Our company building gets another floor for more office space. A solar power system is installed on the roof. This means we can now also drive our electric car with self-generated electricity.
A new storage area and the first e-car
230 square meters of new storage space are added in the form of an extension. The first electric car is purchased for errands in the vicinity of the company.
New company building
VIEWEG GmbH now employs 25 people in sales, technology and order processing. In order to be able to offer everyone a roof to work under, we are moving to a larger building.
We train
The company's first apprentice starts in 2004 and completes his training as an industrial mechanic.
Distribution in Austria
Dispensing and mixing technology is also needed in Austria. With Reinhold Altenstrasser, we succeed in expanding our sales and service team in Austria.
Generation change
Till Vieweg takes over the company as the new owner from his parents Erika and Karl-Ernst Vieweg.
Move to new premises
The addition of dispensing and mixing technology as a business area requires more space. After all, everything has to be stored somewhere!
We become GmbH
It's on! - As they say. That's why the sole proprietorship is now being converted into a limited company.
How it all begins
Erika and Karl-Ernst Vieweg found the company VIEWEG as an industrial distributor with service for fire extinguishers.